There’s a stranger in town
And no one knows who he is.
The lights are dying down
As he’s walking through the streets.
People stay in their houses,
Horses’ neights in the night,
Kids hide into the closets,
Women pray for their lives.
Moonlight above the stranger’s head
Stars showing their light.
He’s the reason to be affraid.
The killer’s back in town!!
He’s a loner, he’s an out-law,
He’s the one you’re hiding from.
Hey, you mister! Do you dare?
I guess you’re feeling pretty scared.
Take a bow! On your knees!
Can’t you see the killer’s here!!?
Athomic boy, nuclear baby,
Explosive male, apocalypse driver.
Kill them all, violence seller.
Murder and blood all over the place.
He’s the one we’re running from
(I’d rather be dead)
“Kiss me, kiss me”- says the whore
from the darkside of the door
“Let me hold you, let’s make love”
A well-aimed bullet tells her “NO”.
They can see the stranger’s back
Not the hate bright in his eyes.
Revenge is flowing in his soul
Like blood stains melting in the snow.
He’s a loner, he’s a killer,
He’s the one we’re hiding from.
Hey, you mister! Do you dare?
I guess you’re feeling pretty scared.
Take a bow! On your knees!
Can’t you see the stranger’s here?