miércoles, febrero 22, 2012

A public service announcement

Some days you just want to scream “I LOVE YOU!”. No need to have anybody in mind, just let the words out of your chest. Hard and loud like the fierce feeling love is. Scary like a lion’s roar. Let it attack the world, take it by surprise, it won’t be able to defend itself. Pour it out like a river of lava, melting all the hearts that cross its way.
Go ahead… Scream! “I LOVE YOU!” “I LOVE YOU!” “I LOVE YOU!” ” I to the LOVE to the YOU!” Like a slap, like a stab, like a kick, be agressive… throw it out! Like a punch!

Let it out before it burns you from the inside, before it bursts your chest and kills you. Too much love can kill you.

Let it out. Share it. There’s too many people out there who have never heard these words. Your love will get to them like that much needed rain on the dying crops.

Share your love, please.
Thank you.


Cada noche pedía a una estrella
despertar y encontrarme a tu lado,
desayunarme tu cuerpo a besos
y vestirme sólo con tu sonrisa.

Cada noche buscaba tu nombre
en las nubes desde mi ventana
deseando sentir tus abrazos
y el amor que entonces sentías.

La estrella concedió mi deseo
y me dió la alegría diaria
de escuchar tu corazón junto al mío
desde la noche hasta la mañana.

Yo no puedo pedirle a una estrella
despertar y encontrarme a tu lado.
A pesar de que eres lo que más quiero,
es mejor despertar sola, si no eres feliz conmigo.

Me queda la memoria de tus besos,
y la ilusión de tu amor para siempre.
Tienes para siempre el mío, y mi corazón
y mi amistad y mi comprensión.

Cada noche le pido a una estrella
que me cure el dolor de mi alma,
que me ayude a mirar al futuro,
a no sentirme sola mañana...

jueves, junio 12, 2008

A thought

It's not a car, nor a plane, nor a bike
It's not blue, nor green, nor yellow
It's not a dog, nor a cat, nor a bird
It's not a book, nor a movie, nor a song
It's not a game, nor a place, nor a time
It's not light, nor dark, nor shady
It's not sweet, nor sour, nor bitter
It's not him, nor her, nor them

It is I, it is LOVE, it is YOU.

miércoles, junio 04, 2008

The less I hear

I don't want to be loved by you
I don't want to be loathed
I just want you to leave me alone
We are not here to be friends
We are not here to be lovers
It's best if I go my way
and you go yours
If I don't play your game
it doesn't mean I hate you
Indiference is my new best mate
I'm fine in isolation
Sounds quite weird, even sad,
but life is what I see
passing by. I'm fine, really
The less I hear from you
throughout the day.

lunes, octubre 01, 2007


Aunque lo mío es contar tiempo,
el tiempo no cuenta conmigo
lo debido y se escapa despacio
entre los dedos de las manos.
Sincronizamos nuestros sueños
y se detienen las horas.
Las historias que contemos
así parecen más largas.
Así deben ser los cuentos,
como cuando cuento tiempo
y creo un día de colores
que compartiré contigo.
En la distancia, en otra vida,
en otro huso, otra galaxia,
que al final viene a ser la misma,
vivo el futuro todos los días,
dejo el pasado para mañana
y el presente para las seis.

lunes, noviembre 27, 2006


Fuego bajo la piel
y bajo las uñas
y en las cuencas de los ojos
y en la boca
y en el pelo
y en los pies
y entre los dedos
de las manos.

jueves, noviembre 23, 2006


My soul is so heavy
I cannot carry it on me anymore.

My soul is so heavy
it hurts my flesh and bones.

My soul is so heavy
I wish it could be released.

My soul is so heavy
it has crushed my chest.

My soul is so heavy
I cannot stand the pain.

It won't let me breathe.
It won't let me talk.
It squeezes out my tears.
It makes my pride bleed
my life away.

Please, take it away.

Please, lock it away.

And throw my empty carcass to the nearest lake.

martes, octubre 18, 2005

When You Part

There are no words invented
to describe the meaning
of your existence for the
little monster tamer girl I am.

Every second, every breath
you take is precious
and it's your absence
what makes it so.

Because when you part
I can only hang on
to those memories and words,
to your sighs in the wind
and your laughter.

When you part
there is nothing left but dreams.

So, let me hold you tight
tonight. Let me stay
silent and speechless
by your side. Let me
listen to your voice and
smell your scent. Let
me talk to you lipless,
let my hands say it all.